Fall 2014
History of Modern Israel
History 100M
Prof. Yuval Ben-Bassat, Senior Lecturer of History of the Middle East, University of Haifa
Israel Institute Visiting Fellow
Jewish Nightlife: Poetry, Music and Ritual Performance from Renaissance Italy to Contemporary Israel
MUSIC 74/139
Dr. Francesco Spagnolo,Curator, Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, UC Berkeley
Prof. Yair Harel, Schusterman Artist-in-Residence, Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, UC Berkeley
Spring 2015
Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel
Legal Studies 174
Avishai Benish, Lecturer, The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Late Ottoman and Mandatory Jerusalem
History 103F
Prof. Yuval Ben-Bassat, Senior Lecturer of History of the Middle East, University of Haifa
Israel Institute Visiting Fellow
Sociology of Israeli Society
Sociology 179
Prof. Shira Offer, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University
Holocaust History, Memory, and Representation
Jewish Studies 39K
Prof. Rebecca Golbert, Executive Director, Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Case of Israel
Undergraduate Business 98/198 DeCal
Co-Facilitators: Nir Maoz and Jackson Block, Undergraduate Fellows, Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies.
Faculty Sponsor: Steve Tadelis, Associate Professor, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley
Graduate Courses
Transboundary Water Conflict Resolution: The Israeli-Arab Case
College of Natural Resources, Graduate Program
Prof. Itay Fischhendler, Senior Lecturer of Geography, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israeli Constitutional Cases Research Group
Law 298
Prof. Ori Aronson, Assistant Professor, Bar-Ilan Faculty of Law